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Comprehensive Health Systems Strengthening in Chhattisgarh

By Debamitra Bhattacharya Jan 10, 2024

In Chhattisgarh, HSTP supports holistic health systems strengthening the state in decision-making for policy and program implementation, building capacities, and designing and validating multifaceted interventions.

Working on strengthening the state’s secondary care services, HSTP has conducted a comprehensive gap assessment of health facilities, identifying specific needs in line with IPHS 2022 norms, using a two-pronged approach: planning based on identified gaps and strengthening the facilities. This initiative aims to increase the number of secondary healthcare facilities (District Hospitals) offering a specific number of speciality services, ensure that secondary care facilities are aligned to IPHS norms, and also that there is an increase in utilisation of services at the health facilities in the state. Our team supports the state in gap analysis, planning, training, and implementation.

HSPT’s work towards fortifying the Emergency Care System (ECS) in the state began with assessing hospitals and colleges, conducting a comprehensive gap analysis followed by resource planning and facility strengthening, building capacities of select personnel through the initiative of Champions of Change, and policy support for developing a road accident victim treatment policy. HSTP is currently supporting the state in developing a comprehensive trauma plan for the state. Other areas of focussed efforts include digital health integration, extending coverage models, reviewing state employee scheme packages, and strengthening supply chain systems.


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